Mr. R.C. Shet is the founder and Director of Bethesda Fellowship Trust, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. He is an Ambassador of the Kingdom of Christ who was born in 1977 in a poor family in a remote village Jangu Kheda in Unnao District of Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Shet ji belongs to Pentecostal denomination and completed his Bible Course from BILD, Emmanuel Bible Seminary from USA. 

He studied till 1992 and was engaged in a private job till 1996. Later from 1997-98, he devoted himself to live a religious life by learning and preaching the religious scriptures. In spite of that, he never had peace in his life. One day, one of his own disciples shared the Goodnews of the Kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ. In response to that, he along with his wife believed and got baptized on 25th March, 1999. After getting baptized, both of them starting preaching gospel in their own village where no one accepted the gospel initially. Later, they organized a meeting with about 250 people who are un-reached. As a result of this meeting, after 4 months, about 40 anti Christian activists attacked on Sunday Worship Service which was started in Miyagunj village. Later, they started house cottage meetings in SAha goan, Dev goan, Safipur, Mehervan KHeda, Bhaisara, Kadilpur, Jangu Kheda, Unnva, Baraunki villages. Later, about 10-20 people were saved and were used to gather to pray and worship. With these cottage meetings, about 300 people were saved and got baptized. In the next year, about 100 anti Christian activists again attacked on a sunday worship meeting which was held in Mohalia village and they were discouraged with this sad incident. Even they thought to stop the gospel ministry. But thank God! His wife Dr. Suman Shet, his wife and Mr. K.K. Vimal who is his spiritual father have encouraged him by saying that even Jesus faced the same kind of persecution when he was doing the ministry on earth. Again after one week, some anti Christian activists from Safipur village attacked and mis-behaved with believers in a meeting. Inspite of all these persecutions, they have continued preaching Gospel to their own people and other people. God heard their prayers and very soon, their own relatives were saved and got baptized which included his 5 own brothers, their wives, children and even their relatives. The ministry started to grow and God was with them in all their efforts. 

When they came to Unnao district in the year 2001, many people have accepted the Gospel. Later, they came to live in the city of Lucknow which is the capital city of Uttar Pradesh.  When they came to Lucknow on 14th January, 2002, on that very day, Dr. Shet’s mother died. Again, they were so discouraged as he respected and considered her mother very precious. Since, Lucknow is the capital city of Uttar Pradesh, they were unable to get a home on rent. As such, they have approached a poor widow by name Sundara who was living in a hut made of mud. That hut consisted of two rooms where she used to live in one room and she placed her animals in the other room. That widow told them that, she told that, she will sell those animals and give the room to live to Dr. Shet. After, one week of time, she vacated the room and gave to Dr. Shet ji and they started living in that hut for about one and a half year. Later, they prayed earnestly to shift from that hut and later they shifted from that hut. 

During all these years Dr Shet Ji and his wife Dr. Suman Shet ji, have prayed together and they have took a bold decision with commitment to continue the gospel of the kingdom of Lord Jesus Christ. Inspite of much persecution, they remained stable and endured all hardships in following Lord Jesus Christ and preaching the gospel. They even faced much financial trouble as they did not have any financial aid from anyone and they were getting a meagre amount from the offerings from the house cottage meetings. In order to extend the ministry, Dr. Shet Ji sold about 2 acres of land, gold, two houses and spent that money for the ministry. Even, they sold their scooter and paid rent for the room in Lucknow. After selling away the scooter, they started preaching the gospel in villages on by-cycle for 5 years. They travelled about 70-80 kms every day reaching the un-reached places and preached the gospel. Later, they were blessed with a motor cycle on 29th March, 2009 and purchased an 8 seater Maruti Van. Dr. Shet expanded his ministry to many other places including India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other countries. He did ministry in Nepal for about 15 years and 10 years in Sri Lanka. By the grace of God, Bethesda Fellowship Trust has recorded considerable achievements in the areas of gospel mission work and social work. Dr. Shet ji baptized two jailors along with their families. 


– Thousands of people were reached with the gospel and received salvation. 

– They have started a child orphanage home where the have adopted about 40 children and were provided free food and education. 

– They have initiated an literacy project in networking with other Christian mission organization and have offered literacy course to about 900 children and 300 old aged people.

– Numerous people from all over India unite at Lucknow on the occasion of “Shanti Mahotsav” which is called as “Peace Festival” which is conducted annually and all the people will pray for the peace of the world. 


We humbly request you to pray for the ministry of Bethesda Fellowship Trust (BFT) and we request you to network with us to support the ministry of the Gospel and social work. 


Personal Profile of Arch. Bishop. Rev. Dr. R.C. Shet Ji. 

Dr. Shet ji received his doctorate on 24th April, 2012 and received National Bishop Ordination. He received his Arch. Bishop Ordination  on 1st August, 2024 at Peace Festival, Shanti Mahotsav at Lucknow. 

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